A. Egon Cholakian

Science Collaborative

Cambridge MA 
 Washington, D.C. US

Egon Cholakian’s research interest resides precisely at the intersection of “Climate Change and it’s impact upon National Security”.

While initially educated as a common law / civil law attorney, and particle physicist, the focus of his career, however, has actually been centered on the intelligence component of national security – with a particular emphasis placed on intelligence community practice. In this regard, his practical experience is drawn from service in the Eastern European, Balkan, Asian and Middle Eastern theatres of activity.

Today, however, he serves as an intelligence educator and Capitol Hill governmental affairs advisor. In turn, he is an active member of the International Association for Intelligence Education and the United States Geospatial-Intelligence Foundation. In concert with these same active intelligence oriented affiliations, he is intimately involved with the corresponding AI, Electromagnetic, Directed Energy warfare, and defense acquisition communities, as well (owing to his physics / materials science backgrounds). Otherwise, the strategic and technical insight obtained from such involvement is routinely conveyed to the U.S. Congress, NATO community, and U.S. defense industrial base - in light of his active membership with the National Defense Industry Association, and Capitol Hill Governmental & Legislative Affairs professional practice. In this latter-most regard,

Early-on in his career, Egon Cholakian worked with four standing U.S. Presidents: Nixon, Ford, Carter and Reagan. And, earlier-on, while affiliated with the Joint Committee on Taxation, of the United States Congress, he held the hand of a young freshman representative from Texas, George H. W. Bush, (then) future president of the United States. The young Mr. Bush, having just (then) been assigned to the House Ways and Means Committee, of the U.S. House of Representatives, was in dire need of assistance in working with the U.S. Tax Code. This propelled the Committee Chair, Wilbur Mills, to second Mr. Cholakian to the service of Mr. Bush during this introductory period. So, maybe it would be more accurate to say that Egon Cholakian has worked with four standing U.S. presidents, and one future, U.S. President? Regardless,

Such privileged early career exposure again brought Mr. Cholakian into direct interface with the “Classified” National Security community.

As a young man Egon Cholakian’s formal introduction to the U.S. intelligence community, however, was first realized as a junior Test & Evaluation Engineer on the “Top Secret” joint Hughes Tool Company, Aircraft Division - U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (LOH-369) “Vinh wiretap” project (developed at the shadowy “Area 51” classified facility). And, thereafter (while a graduate student), he studied under Professors Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Ironically, just a few years later, he routinely interfaced with both gentlemen multiple times again – while they were serving as United States National Security Advisors. In addition, thereto, he also had professional interface with Brent Scowcroft, while he served as the United States National Security Advisor, as well. And, while residing in Iran (1979-1980), during the Islamic Revolution, Egon Cholakian maintained a close working relationship with Admiral Stansfield Turner, (then) Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, additionally. Accordingly, it would be fair to say that Mr. Cholakian has worked with three U.S. National Security Advisors, and one CIA Director. Or, if you like, he could say, he has worked with three U.S. National Security Advisors, one standing CIA Director, and, one future CIA Director (as Mr. Bush, who was already mentioned as a future U.S. president, was also (then) a future Director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, as well)! In any case,

During the latter portion of the 1980’s period, Egon Cholakian served as a COMECON finance professional in the Soviet Union, where he was jointly-authorized by the U.S. Department of State and the Bank of Foreign Trade of the USSR (a/k/a: the Russian Ministry of Finance) to undertake East-West commercial engagements. In such capacity, he served as the Lead Syndicator of the largest COMECON financing ever undertaken by the West – which, in turn, brought him into routine interface with the Supreme Soviet, and the Russian National Security community. Since, he has interfaced with other foreign intelligence agencies, and Heads of State, as well. With respect to Legislative Affairs,

Having worked with Mr. Reagan during his early “Kitchen Cabinet” period – and then with the Reagan White House – Egon Cholakian was called upon to contributed legislative related service, in furtherance of successfully passing the President’s (Department of Defense) “Strategic Defense Initiative” (“SDI” – a/k/a: the “Star Wars Program”). The legacy of this activity was memorialized In 2019, when remnants of the “SDI” were incorporated into the “National Defense Authorization Act”, with (then) CIA Director, Mike Pompeo calling for additional funding to achieve a full-fledged “Strategic Defense Initiative for our time, the SDI II”.

Commencing 1st May 2024, Egon Cholakian will be representing the ALLATRA organization, domestically & internationally, as a Registered Foreign Agent with the U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Unit, in concert with his Climate Change and National Security related activities.

About the Project

It is evident that the Earth is experiencing a rapid escalation of extreme climatic and geodynamic events. There is a significant rise in the occurrence and magnitude of seismic, volcanic, hydrological, atmospheric, gravitational, and thermal anomalies.

Furthermore, we have recently detected a number of alarming anomalies in all the layers of the Earth system. There is an extraordinary displacement and destabilization of the Earth’s core, a sporadic and chaotic acceleration of the planet’s rotation, and a shift in its rotational axis. This scenario is compounded by a critical weakening and emergence of atypical anomalies of the magnetic field, and a change in the composition of the upper layers of the atmosphere. These events have culminated in an extreme activation of magmatic foci, and an accompanying increase in deep mantle earthquakes - bringing about a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the ocean. As a consequential result, our oceans have lost their ability to function as a compensatory and cooling mechanism. All these alarming factors indicate only one thing - To Wit, Our planet is on the verge of self-destruction, and humanity has only a few years remaining to avert this impending catastrophe.

We urgently need to establish a unified international scientific center, essentially an international interdisciplinary alliance of the world's best scientists, who will work on solving this problem.We need the brightest minds of this world, capable of thinking unconventionally and innovatively. We need people who are ready to collaborate and act in the interests of all of humanity.

For the successful and effective operation of the unified international scientific center, it is of utmost importance to provide the scientific team unrestricted access to all scientific resources and unhindered access to all observation platforms, regardless of their purpose and nature.A crucial addition to this will be ensuring full access to existing cutting-edge technologies. To efficiently achieve the goals and tasks set before the unified international research center, unlimited funding for scientific activities is an absolute necessity, without any control or intervention in the research process by politicians or corporations.

It is imperative to ensure absolute autonomy in scientific research activities, during which we, as scientists, take complete responsibility for the outcomes attained.

The prompt creation of a unified international research center and its immediate launch into active operation is crucial for successfully accomplishing our vital task. Any delay in coordinating and forming a unified scientific group critically reduces the likelihood of achieving the necessary result. I call upon all interested parties to act promptly and effectively to ensure the best conditions for our collaborative research aimed at saving all of humanity.

I invite all scientists who care about the fate of humanity to join in creating a Unified International Scientific Center (UISC) that will work on solving the most complex and pressing issue of our time.

Please get in touch with me to learn more about this initiative. Time is of the essence!

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